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Cedars-Sinai International Endoscopy Symposium

January 25, 2023 - January 29, 2023

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California – The Cedars-Sinai International Endoscopy activity will offer an intensive and comprehensive review of pancreatic and biliary endoscopy for the benefit of gastroenterologists, gastroenterology fellows, and gastroenterology nurses and technicians. Invited expert faculty will perform multiple live luminal endoscopies, EUS, and ERCP procedures to demonstrate techniques and technology for the benefit of participants watching the live feed. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions virtually about what they are viewing through the session moderator. The activity will focus on live procedure demonstrations covering endoscopic interventions for IBD and esophageal conditions, innovations in endoscopy and endoscopic closure, stapling content and multiple live ERCP and EUS demonstrations. Balanced viewpoints, special techniques, and practical clinical approaches will be highlighted throughout the activity.


  • Recognize patient- and procedure-related riskfactors associated with ERCP and implement evidence-based patient safety measures to optimize outcomes
  • Critically evaluate complex and challenging ERCP cases and discuss optimal approaches to patient management and avoiding complications
  • Assess endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for managing patients with gastrointestinal, pancreaticobiliary, and hepatic diseases
  • Distinguish and select the most appropriate diagnostic and treatment approach for patients with luminal gastrointestinal issues
  • Assess current and emerging diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in GI endoscopy and how best to implement best practices in the endoscopy suite
  • Identify current surgical and medical treatment and management strategies for the patient with pancreatic cancer


January 25, 2023
January 29, 2023
Event Category: