Case Report Guidelines for Authors

Case Report Guidelines for Authors

  • The aim of Case Reports is to provide challenging yet clinically relevant andinformative cases to primary care physicians.
  • The Case should center around one (1) to three (3) high quality images that are completely described in the report. Images should be endoscopic, pathologic, and/or radiographic (without any patient identifiers) with clear labeling as appropriate.
  • The Case must be a concise report submitted as a Word document consisting of no more than 1250 words.
  • The images must be submitted as .jpg files separate from the Word document.
  • There should be a brief introduction/abstract, relevant presentation of the case, relevant case discussion and conclusion.
  • The conclusion should include one or two clinical pearls that the reader may apply to their practice or add to their knowledge set.
  • References should be limited to 8. References should follow AMA style and journal names should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus practice. Inclusive page ranges should be indicated.
  • Authors should be limited to 3 on each submission. No author photographs are necessary. All authors must provide their names, addresses, phone numbers, complete titles and affiliations.
  • Case Reports must not have been published previously. Each Case Report is subject to review by members of our Editorial Board. Case Reports are subject to final editing. Upon publication, Case Reports will be copyrighted by Practical Gastroenterology Publishing, Inc.

Please EMAIL your Case Report to:Adrien Mahl, Editor Practical Gastroenterology